------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copy Protection/Unprotect Utilities v1 DS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's a gold mine of information about running copy-protected and 'key- disk' programs from your hard disk, or to save your original as backup. Generally these are step-by-step detailed instructions to walk thru a DEBUG session that will allow easier use of over 30 of the most popular copy-protected software products. Also included are programs to make your disk files 'read-only' and back to 'read-write' (including BASIC programs saved with protection). ALTER COM Program to allow user to change file attributes (hidden/ read-only/system/normal/archive) ALTER DOC Documentation for ALTER.COM program CHARTMAS UNP Procedure on how to unprotect CHARTMASTER v6.04 COPYALL COM Disk-Saver program : copies most diskettes COPYPC COM A more intelligent alternative to DOS DISKCOPY program COPYPC DOC Documentation for COPYPC.COM program DB3V21 BAT Batch file to unprotect dBaseIII vers. 1.0, Edition 1 DB3V21 BIN Overlay file needed by DB3V21.BAT DB3V30 BAT Batch file to unprotect dBaseIII vers. 1.0, Edition 2 DB3V30 BIN Overlay file needed by DB3V30.BAT DB3V30 DOC Documentation for all DB3???.* unprotection methods DB3ZAP BAT Batch file to provide an executable backup copy of dBaseIII DB3ZAP BIN Overlay file needed by DB3ZAP.BAT DB3ZAP DOC Documentation for DB3ZAP.BAT DOUBLDOS UNP Instructions on how to unprotect the DoubleDOS SoftGuard copy protection scheme DSAVER COM Disk-Saver vers. R2.01 - copies diskettes DUPE EXE Backup utility ENABLE UNP Procedure to unprotect the ENABLE v1.0 integrated package EXECUVSN UNP Procedure to unprotect the EXECUVISION graphics package EZWRITR UNP Procedure to unprotect EZWRITER 1.1 FLTSIM CPY Procedure to make backup copies of Microsoft Flight Simulator v1.00 FLTSIM UNP Procedure to unprotect Microsoft Flight Simulator v1.00 FOCUSNEW UNP Procedure to eliminate need for 'activator' disk in A-drive for PC-FOCUS FRMWK1 BAT Batch file to create executable backup copy of FRAMEWORK v1.0 FRMWK1 DOC Documentation for backup of FRAMEWORK v1.0 FRMWK1 UNP To create executable backup copy of FRAMEWORK v1.0 GRAFWRTR UNP Procedure to unprotect GRAPHWRITER v4.21 INFOCOM COM Utility programs to operate on INFOCOM games (ZORK) - copy/ unprotect/vocabulary decoder INFOCOM DOC Documentation for use of INFOCOM.COM program LAYOUT UNP Procedure to unprotect LAYOUT program LOAD-US COM Utility program to allow running Lotus 1-2-3 & Symphony directly from hard disk without system disk in A-Drive LOAD-US DOC Documentation for use of LOAD-US.COM program LOADCALC UNP Procedure to create a backup copy of LOADCALC v4.13 MANY UNP Procedure to unprotect dBaseIII v1.1 (bypass SoftGuard protection scheme MEMSHIFT UNP Procedure to unprotect MEMORY/SHIFT program MLINK206 UNP Procedure to unprotect MULTILINK v2.06 and allow direct hard-disk boot MOD123 COM Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 MOD123 DOC Directions for use of MOD123.COM program MS2 UNP How to unprotect MEMORY/SHIFT v2.1 123STAR UNP Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A* NEW123 UNP Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A NEW123UN V1A Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1A PCDRAW UNP Procedure to unprotect PC-DRAW PCDRAW14 UNP Procedure to unprotect PC-DRAW v1.4 PCM UNP Procedure to unprotect IBM Personal Communications Manager PFS UNP Procedure to unprotect PFS-File, PFS-Report, PFS-Write PFS-ZAP UNP Procedure to ZAP PFS-File & PFS-Report to allow running on hard-disk without key disk in A-Drive PFSFILE UNP Procedure to unprotect PFS-File & PFS-Report PRODWN TXT Patches to allow PROKEY v3.0 to run with SIDEKICK PROKEY COM Program referred to as part of procedure in PRODWN.TXT PROKEY30 UNP Procedure to unprotect PROKEY v3.0 RB4000 UNP Procedure to unprotect RBase 4000 v1.11 READONLY COM Program to make a file read-only to protect from accidental erasure READONLY DOC Documentation for READONLY.COM READWRIT COM Program to reset read-only files to read/write and allow erasure READWRIT DOC Documentation for READWRIT.COM SDKIK UNP Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.10A SIGNMAST UNP Procedure to unprotect SIGNMASTER v5.04 SK UNP Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.00A SK11C UNP Procedure to unprotect SIDEKICK v1.11C SYMPH COM Program to allow running SYMPHONY from hard disk without key floppy in A-Drive SYMPH DOC Documentation for SYMPHONY.COM program SYMPHONY UNP Procedure to patch SYMPHONY to allow it to run without master disk SYMPHONY UP2 Same as SYMPHONY.UNP - simpler instructions TIMER SK Patch to fix SIDEKICK/DOS PRINT.COM conflict TM UNP Procedure to unprotect IBM TIME MANAGER (80 col, v1.00) TRIVIA UNP Procedure to unprotect TRIVIA FEVER (game & demo disks) ULTIMA UNP Procedure to unprotect ULTIMA II, PROKEY 3.0 & other .COM files UNP123 TXT Procedure to unprotect LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 1 & 1A UNPROT B BLOAD file from BASIC, designed to unprotect a BASIC program which was saved with ',P' extension UNPROT DOC Documentation on how to use UNPROT.B UNPSYM COM ?? VISICALC UNP Procedure to convert VISICALC to a .COM file which may be loaded on a non-standard disk WORD UNP Procedure to unprotect Microsoft WORD WORD1_1 UNP Procedure to unprotect MS WORD v1.1 using Ultra-Utilities WS2000 UNP Procedure to unprotect WordStar 2000 v1.00 ZORK12 UNP Procedure to make backup copies of INFOCOM's ZORK I and ZORK II games ZORK3 UNP Procedure to make backup copies of INFOCOM's ZORK III game